Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) - Health and Socio-Economic Inequities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies

During the last decades refugee immigration has changed the societal weave of the Nordic welfare states. There are many indications that the socioeconomic as well as the health situation of these new Nordic citizens are less favourable compared with the majority populations.

Thus, some of the most important challenges in welfare policy today are related to how these new Nordic citizens and their offspring can be integrated into society in a more equitable manner. In this study we use a mixed methods approach, including cross-country analyses in national registries and policy documents, and qualitative interviews to investigate how socio-economic and health inequities develop during the formative years in young refugees and their offspring. We also investigate how socio-economic factors and health influence each other and how they relate to other key areas of welfare policy like health services, education and the labor market.

The results from this study will provide new knowledge about the mechanisms behind the health and socio-economic inequities in Nordic refugee populations compared with the majority populations, and suggest how they can be addressed in policy and practice in the Nordic countries.


Maria Nilsson

Maria Nilsson

Guttorm Aanes

Guttorm Aanes


Guttorm Aanes er kommunikasjonssjef i NordForsk, med ansvar for å styrke synligheten og gjennomslagskraften til det nordiske forskningssamarbeidet.

Han har omfattende erfaring med kommunikasjon fra norske departementer og forskningsinstitutter.

Guttorm har en mastergrad i medier og kommunikasjon fra Universitetet i Oslo. I 2023 fullførte han et masterprogram i PR-ledelse og strategisk kommunikasjon ved Handelshøyskolen BI.

Presse og medier | NordForsk
