NordForsk research by geography

One of the criteria for Nordic added value in research is “regional mobility and networking among the Nordic countries”. A benchmark for assessing whether this succeeds is to look at the geographical location and distribution of participants in the projects.

This is shown in the maps below, where the symbols indicate the location and number of project leaders and participants in NordForsk funded research projects.

Supporting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

NordForsk's research funding supports the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The figure below reports how much funding has been allocated in the years 2015 - 2021 to research supporting the 17 SDGs.

Total allocation reported is 2 067 million NOK. Out of the 159 grants to research of over NOK 2 billion in total over the years 2015-2021, there are 30, or 4% of the funding, that have not been classified according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This is mainly due to projects not submitting a classification, or additional grants to ongoing projects etc.

Supporting the vision for Nordic co-operation

The vision of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) is to make the Nordic Region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

To achieve this, NCM has implemented an action plan with 12 objectives linked to the vision's three strategic priorities: a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region.

Below is an overview of how our research contributes to the three strategic priorities and the 12 objectives