Impact Dashboard

The Impact dashboard is part of our ongoing work of documenting and communicating results and effects of NordForsk funded research.

The dashboard is designed with our stakeholders in mind. The utility of this tool lies in providing a detailed, interactive view of our activities across the Nordic region. You are free to explore our data on funding, publications, collaboration, and more, enabling informed decisions, identifying research gaps, and understanding regional strengths, deficencies and opportunities.

The data is updated annually and is based of our own research project portfolio and our projects self-reported outcomes. Each section offers key figures and stratification opportunities by country, institutional participation, research area, and call.

It is noteworthy that data on project funding and applications consists of all calls since 2018, data on investments contains all open invitation calls since 2019 specifically, and data on reported outcomes and impact contains all projects that were active 2021 onward.

Building and maintaining a database of this magnitude is an iterative process, and we continously aim to improve the usability and utility of this tool to facilitate transparency and trust.

We recommend using full screen mode for best readability when analysing through the dashboards.



In this section, you can explore the distribution and allocation of financial resources across various research initiatives and geography within the NordForsk framework - which countries and institutions choose to invest, in what calls and by which mechanism.

It highlights the strategic approach to investing in research and development projects that align with Nordic priorities and challenges. It also reflects the commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration across borders and outlines the diversification of funding to ensure a broad impact across multiple scientific disciplines and countries. You can read more about our funding models on our website.

All currencies are in Norwegian krone (NOK).


This part of the report aims to provide insight into how our funding is deployed and allocated among countries, research calls, and over time. These data are based on contracts and reports in our data management system Insights.

All currencies are in Norwegian krone (NOK).


This segment focuses on the process and dynamics of applying for NordForsk funding, highlighting the competitive nature of grant applications. The Applications section allows you to explore the breadth and depth of research interests across the Nordic region, showcasing the diversity of proposals seeking NordForsk support and the outcomes of the selection process.

These data are based on contracts and reports in our data management system Insights.

Output, outcomes & impact

This section contains data on our outputs, outcomes and impact, categorised into nordic added value, publications, policy influence and dissemination activities.

Nordic added value. Although the figure primarily provides indications, it is fair to conclude that it demonstrates that Nordic added value is created over a wide range of areas, and that NordForsk's activities contribute to strengthening both Nordic co-operation in general and Nordic research co-operation in particular.

Here you can read more about Nordic Added Value on our website.

Publications. Research outcome can be presented in various ways. Of the many different outcome types the funded NordForsk projects can register in Researchfish, publications are among the most commonly reported. The researchers can choose among 16 different publication types, such as book chapters, monographs, technical reports and conference papers. Publications are results in of themselves, but can also be considered mediators between research and its dissemination, and thus a proxy indicator of any effect.

Policy influence examines how NordForsk-funded research has impacted policymaking within the Nordic region and beyond and is based on researcher reports to Researchfish. It details the types of influence in informing policy decisions, contributed to the development of new guidelines, and influenced public debate on critical issues. This part of the reporting highlights the direct and indirect pathways through which scientific research can shape policy agendas, drive legislative changes, and support evidence-based governance.

Dissemination focuses on the strategies and activities undertaken to communicate and promote the results of their research to a wide array of audiences. These data are based on researcher reports to Researchfish . It covers the various platforms and formats used for dissemination, including publications, public presentations, media engagement, and digital outreach. This section underscores the importance of making research accessible and engaging to not only the scientific community but also policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public.