International Co-operation for a Secure and Sustainable Arctic

18:00 - 19:30
Arendal, Norge
Poster for the event, with title and map of the Arctic

Video recording

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The Arctic has taken a central position on the international political agenda. A growing number of countries are showing an interest in economic and geopolitical matters in the far north, while climate change is being increasingly felt within the Arctic area.

Co-operation is now limited between Russia and the other nations bordering the Arctic in the Nordic Region and North America, while major powers such as China and India are showing a growing interest in the area.

As an attractive, strategic and vulnerable region, the Arctic is particularly dependent on good co-operation across national borders.

We bring together stakeholders from different parts of the Arctic co-operation and ask:

  • What is the strategic importance of the Arctic region in Nordic and transatlantic co-operation?
  • How can we work together to ensure the peaceful and sustainable management of the Arctic?
  • Which roles do science, local interests, and indigenous populations play?

45-minute debate followed by a networking session with refreshments and finger food.


  • Amy Baker, Ambassador, Embassy of Canada to Norway
  • Jamal Al-Mussawi, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Oslo
  • Maria Varteressian, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Bryndís Haraldsdóttir, President of the Nordic Council, Member of the Icelandic Althing
  • Bård Ludvig Thorheim, Storting representative, Conservative Party of Norway
  • Jørgen Berge, Dean and Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Moderator: Andreas Østhagen, Senior Researcher, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute


Guttorm Aanes

Guttorm Aanes


Guttorm Aanes er kommunikasjonssjef i NordForsk, med ansvar for å styrke synligheten og gjennomslagskraften til det nordiske forskningssamarbeidet.

Han har omfattende erfaring med kommunikasjon fra norske departementer og forskningsinstitutter.

Guttorm har en mastergrad i medier og kommunikasjon fra Universitetet i Oslo. I 2023 fullførte han et masterprogram i PR-ledelse og strategisk kommunikasjon ved Handelshøyskolen BI.

Presse og medier | NordForsk
