Konferens om etiska perspektiv på hälsopåverkan av klimatförändringar, bla arktisk folkhälsa, djuretik, klimaträttvisa och ansvar för livsmiljöer.
Hur hänger klimat och global hälsa samman? Vilka är de mest angelägna etiska utmaningarna när det kommer till hälsoeffekter av klimatförändringarna? Klimatförändringarna väcker etiska frågor, inte minst gällande hur dessa kommer att påverka hälsa globalt och här i Norden.
Välkommen på två halvdagar på det engelska temat: Ethical Perspectives on Health Impacts of Climate Change. Vi har bjudit in några av de mest framstående forskarna, och en prisbelönt isländsk författare och dokumentärfilmare, inom bioetik, medicinsk epidemologi, global hälsa, moralfilosofi. De kommer att dela med sig av forskning och sina reflektioner i form av presentationer och samtal. Det kommer finnas utrymme för att ställa frågor.
Konferensen arrangeras av Umeå Universitet och Nordic Committee on Bioethics och ges på engelska.
Konferensen är öppen för alla intresserade med möjlighet att närvara både på plats eller digitalt via Zoom.
Det är gratis att delta.
Obs! Anmälan krävs, sista anmälningsdag för fysiskt deltagande är 13 september.
Plats: Folkets Hus i Umeå och tidszonen är CEST.
NB: The programme is subject to change.
Day 1
13:00-13:45 Keynote: Health & Climate - the Scientific Facts and Ethical Reflections
Joacim Rocklöv. Humboldt Prof, Heidelberg University, Visiting Prof. Epidemiology Umeå University Dept. Public Health and Clinical Medicine
13:45-15:15 Nordic Effects, Vulnerabilities, and Responsibilities
“Climate Change, Ethics, and Arctic Human Well-being: Reflections from research in Greenlandic Coastal Communities”.
Joan Nymand Larsen. Professor of Economics, University of Akureyri, Iceland, and Stefansson Arctic Institute, Senior Scientist and Research Director. Coordinating lead author for the Polar Regions chapter of the IPCC WG-II 5th assessment report. Expertise in Arctic climate change impacts and adaptation.
“Interdisciplinarity research – Holistic view for Health and Well-being"
Birgitta Evengård. Professor of Infectious Diseases at Umeå University, Sweden with a background in parasitology (K.I.). Expertise on infectious diseases and climate change in the north.
“Climate change and the One Health perspective in the North”
Arja Rautio. Professor of Arctic Research, VP Research U Arctic, Director of Thule Institute, Group leader for Artic Health in Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu. Expertise on One Health and changing climate in the Arctic.
15:15-15:45 Coffee
15:45-16:15 Bioethics and Moral Changes (The Bioethics Perspective)
”How Bioethics can Help Mitigate Climate Emissions”
Cheryl Cox MacPherson, Professor in Bioethics, School of Medicine, St George University of Grenada, West Indies. Editor of Bioethical Insights into Values and Policy: Climate Change and Health (Springer Press, 2016) and author of “Energy, Emissions, and Public Health Ethics” Oxford Handbook of Public Health Ethics 2019). “Why Bioethics Should Address Climate Change and How It Might Do So” (in Bioethical Insights, 2016).
16:15-17:00 Mingle with speakers
Day 2
9:00-9:45 Bridge between Nordic and Global Values (A Perspective of Time)
Andri Snær Magnason. Award-winning Icelandic writer and documentary film director. Books include: On Time and Water, Dreamland, Casket of Time, LoveStar, The Story of the Blue Planet, and more. Andri ran for President of Iceland in 2016 with environmental issues on his agenda and came third.
9:45-10:15 Bioethics and Moral Changes (The Bioethics Perspective)
“How to make Ecocide ethics relevant to the unbearably privileged”
Mickey Gjerris, M.Th., PhD, Associate Professor in Bioethics, Section for Consumption, Bioethics, and Governance, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Mickey's research focuses on the relationship between humans and nature with regard to climate change, biotechnology, food production, animal ethics etc.
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:45 Global values (A Global Ethical Perspective)
“Dilemmas of Coherence: (Human) Rights and Climate Justice in the 21st Century”
Carolyn Stephens. Honorary Professor of Urban and Global Health in the UCL Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London. Visiting Full Professor of Ecology and Global Health, National University of Tucuman, Argentina. Her research has focused principally on links of urban equity, environment and health, and on social and environmental justice for disadvantaged communities internationally. Stephens has lived and worked in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and has advised international UN agencies, including WHO, UNEP, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHabitat.
‘Why does climate change call for ethical analysis?
John Broome. Emeritus White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford and Honorary Professor at the Australian National University. One of two philosophers involved in writing the ICCP 5th Assessment report. Author of Climate Matters: ethics in a warming world and ‘Against denialism’, The Monist, 102 (2019), pp. 110–29.
11:45-12:15 Moderated Conversations with Stakeholders
Moderator: Ellen Svenson, MA-student in Philosophy and Bioethics, Umeå University. Awarded the student of the year in Humanities 2022.
Amanda Björksell, youth representative to the UN climate conferenced COP26 in Glasgow, appointed by the National Council for Swedish Youth Organisations, LSU. Student at SLU and active in Green Party (MP) Sweden.
Elle Merete Omma, head of the Saami Council EU Unit. Previously she held the position of Executive Secretary of the Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat. Prior to her work with the Arctic Council she was Senior Advisor on Sámi Affairs at the Norwegain Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation.
12:15-13:00 Panel discussions with the speakers
Rasmus Emborg
Han har siden 2021 været præsident for Ungdommens Nordiske Råd og har særligt arbejdet med at sikre bedre rettigheder for børn og unge over for verdens techgiganter og i den grønne omstilling gennem indførelsen af ungeklimaråd. Han har desuden en bachelor i statskundskab fra Københavns Universitet.

Marte Blikstad-Balas
Hun er professor ved Universitetet i Oslo, Norge, og nestleder for det nordiske senteret for fremragende forskning QUINT – Quality in Nordic Teaching. Blikstad-Balas forsker på digitalisering og har blant annet gjennomført studier av hva som kjennetegner den digitale hjemmeskoleperioden under koronapandemien. Hun leder den regjeringsoppnevnte ekspertgruppen om digital læringsanalyse.