The ethics of pandemics: Lessons learned in the Nordic countries

Portraits of speakers at the NCBio konference

This is a two day conference where we will look at lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

During winter 2020-21 the Nordic Committee on Bioethics (NCBio) hosted a webinar series on bioethical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Nordic countries. The aim was to identify ethical aspects of the pandemic, to look at policies and debates with a view to differences and similarities between the countries.

The conference in Bergen 19-20 May will be a follow up of the webinar series.

There will be both talks and panel discussions.

Live stream

Day 1 (19 May):

Day 2 (20 May):


Day 1

12-12.50: Lunch

13.00-13.05: NCBIO chair Welcome

13.05-13.10: Moderator NCBio

13.10-13.30: Matti Häyry Professor of Philosophy of Management, Aalto University School of Business, Finland, on Truth-Telling

13.30-13.50: Göran Collste Professor emeritus, Linköping University, member of The Swedish National Council, on Medical Ethics Global solidarity or nationalism during a pandemic

13.50-14.10: Katharina O. Cathaoir Associate Professor in Health Law, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on Human rights during a pandemic

14.10-14.30: Q&A

14.30-14.50: Coffee

14.50-15.10: Reidun Førde MD and professor emerita in medical ethics at Center for medical ethics at University of Oslo, Norway After Covid - lessons learned for bioethics

15.10-15.30: Vilhjálmur Árnason, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Centre for Ethics, University of Iceland Policy and Principles in a Pandemic: Moral lessons from Covid-19

15.30-15.45: Q&A

15.45-16.05: 2 Commentators

Kristine Bærøe, Professor of Medical ethics and philosophy of science at Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen

Kjetil Rommetveit, Associate Professor at Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen

16.05-16.30: Discussion with speakers

16.30-17.00: Mingling and drinks/coffee

Day 2

09.00-09.03: NCBio chair, Madeleine Hayenhjelm

09.03-09.05: Welcome by moderator Hilde Sandvik freelance journalist and podcast host

09.05-09.35: Conversation with Policymakers:

Mika Salminen, Director at National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

Beate Husa (KrF), Commissioner for Elderly, Health and Voluntary Sector, Bergen Kommune

Frode Forland. specialist director, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health

09.35-09.50: Short break

09.50-10.30 Conversation with stakeholders:

Lukas Virtala, Chair, The Union of The Upper Secondary School Students, Finland

Salvör Nordal, Ombudsmann for children, Iceland

Nina Langeland, professor infectious diseases, University of Bergen and member of the Corona commission, Norway

Pål Suren, researcher, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health

10.30-11.30: Comments from panelists and discussion

11.30-12.00: Break and mingling

12-13: Lunch


Portræt af Bethina Strandberg-Jensen

Bethina Strandberg-Jensen
