The overall objective of the call is to enhance the modes of interaction between research groups and local indigenous communities when designing research projects. The budget for this call is approximately NOK 2.0 million. In addition, NOK 500 000 is earmarked for projects that include partners in Greenland. Deadline is 17 October 2019.
The Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The programme promotes multifaceted contacts in the fields of education and research in the interest of sustainable social and economic development in Russia and the Nordic countries. The programme will fund Nordic-Russian cooperation between educational institutions and research organisations in order to improve the direct links between the institutions and organisations involved, and thereby initiate long-term partnerships.
In order to achieve the objectives of the programme, collaborative efforts will be directed towards multilateral cooperation on the training of highly qualified experts, the exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students and university faculty, joint research projects and promoting innovation. NordForsk will administer the research activities under the programme. The Russian activities under the programme are coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Aim of the call and thematic framework
The overall objective of the call is to enhance the modes of interaction between research groups and local indigenous communities when designing research projects.
The expected outcome is to provide a feasibility study on how to use scientific, traditional and local knowledge to support traditional local livelihoods in meeting climate and social changes: e.g. handicrafts, berry and mushroom gathering, fisheries, hunting, and reindeer herding and their relation to modern livelihoods in the Arctic.
The funded project(s) are expected to address novel aspects of the project through two workshops: one organised by researchers, the other organised by the indigenous community in collaboration with the researchers
The call supports co-production of knowledge as agreed in the Arctic Council Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation (2017). Nordic and Russian universities, research institutes and indigenous communities will have open access to the material produced in the workshops, and the right to use the material in their own future activities.
The proposed activities are to demonstrate genuine Nordic-Russian cooperation, high scientific quality and high relevance for users of the knowledge.
Financial framework
The Nordic budget for this call is approximately NOK 2.0 million. In addition, NOK 500 000 is earmarked for projects that include partners in Greenland. The maximum amount of Nordic funding that may be sought is NOK 1 million. The maximum amount of Nordic funding for proposals including partners in Greenland is NOK 1.5 million.