Elderly. Photo by iStock.jpg

Call for proposals on Sustainable health and social care systems for elderly

Deadline: 20 February 2025 13:00 CEST

Duration: Up to 4 years

Available call budget:

  • Nordic partners: up to 75 million NOK
  • Estonian partners: up to 300 000 EUR
  • Latvian partners: up to 600 000 EUR
  • Lithuanian partners: up to 300 000 EUR

Objectives of the call

The overall aim of the call is to fund research which generates knowledge and evidence-based solutions in the area of sustainable health and social care systems for elderly. The research should contribute with knowledge that can be used to prepare and equip the health and social care systems of the Nordic and Baltic countries to meet the challenges of a growing elderly population.

The call focuses on solutions to secure seamless pathways of health and social care based on active involvement of service users, next of kin and social networks with the purpose of ensuring health equity. Solutions should contribute to the maintenance of good lives for elderly and their relatives within the context of sustainable health and social care systems.

Who can apply?

Some of the eligibility criteria will be:

  • The research consortium must include research performing organisations in at least three Nordic countries.
  • The host institution (Project Owner) for the project must be an established research performing organisation based in one of the countries co-funding the call. Project owners, project leaders and project participants from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania must be eligible to receive funding from ETAG, the LSC and the RCL respectively.
  • The project leader (and Nordic contact point) must be a qualified researcher (PhD) employed by their host institutions (Project Owners).
  • Research performing organisations from other Nordic countries than Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark cannot be Project Owners. Such research organisations can participate in funded projects, but not as Project leader and they cannot be Nordic co-hosts for projects.
  • Researchers may participate in one proposal in this call.
  • Research institutions may be partners in more than one proposal.
  • Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian applicants and project participants must comply with the respective national rules.


The call is as a collaborative effort between the Swedish Research Council for Working life, Health and Welfare, the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Fund Denmark, The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis), The Research Council of Estonia, The Latvian Council of Science, the Research Council of Lithuania and NordForsk.

Please note that NordForsk may make changes to the call text until 6 weeks before the deadline. Any such changes will be stated clearly.

See also: How to apply

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Webinar and contact list

We hosted a webinar about the call on 4 December 2024.

See a recording of the webinar

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Contact list
Would you like to connect with other researchers interested in the call? If so, you can join our contact list. Simply sign up and complete a brief form, and you will be added to a list where your information will be shared with other researchers.

Update 1 February 2025: The deadline for joining the contact list has passed.

Call committee

  • Mats Brommels, NordForsk, Chair
  • Simona Grasso, Research Council of Norway
  • Helga Snevar Kristiansdottir, The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis)
  • Katrine Boeris, Innovation Fund Denmark
  • Ulrika Yhompson-Myrvang, Swedish Research Council for Working life, Health and Welfare (FORTE)
  • Argo Soon, The Research Council of Estonia (ETAG)
  • Lubova Tihomirova, Latvian Council of Science
  • Laura Kostelnickiene, Research Council of Lithuania


Portræt af Kristin Andersen.

Kristin Andersen

Thomas Jacobsson

Thomas Jacobsson
