Artificial Interlligence
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Call for proposals: Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

Call Deadline: 13 May 2025, 13:00 (CEST/Oslo Time)

Available Nordic budget: up to 196 million NOK 

Available Estonian budget: 300 000 EUR 

Available Latvian budget: 600 000 EUR 

Available Lithuanian budget: 300 000 EUR 

Maximum amount of Nordic funding that may be sought: 16.3 million NOK.

The research consortium must include research performing organisations in at least four Nordic or Baltic countries, of which at least three must be Nordic.

Important: Please read the instructions in the application form as well as the call text to access all the neccessary information to write your proposal.  You can use the preview form function to see the instructions in the application form.

Background and aim of the call

A strategic priority of the Nordic Council of Ministers is for the Nordic collaboration to contribute to a green, competitive and socially sustainable region. Responsible and ethical use of AI will be vital in achieving these priorities as well as many of the UN sustainability goals. Research is essential to be able to release the potential of technology solutions in a knowledgeable, responsible and ethically sound way.  

The aim of this call is to fund excellent research activities that address shared Nordic and Nordic-Baltic societal challenges in the context of extensive use and implementation of AI in the region. The initiative should contribute to cross-border mobilisation of capacity and competence building among Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research communities and strengthen networks and collaborations.  

Thematic framework

The technological development of Artificial Intelligence is rapidly evolving, and its use and implementation is changing and developing in unpredictable patterns. Ethical and responsible use of AI is at the heart of this initiative. Applications should respond to societal challenges that the Nordic and Nordic-Baltic region is facing. These challenges include, but are not limited to, ageing populations, ongoing structural developments in the labour market, societal and political polarisation, health systems, education, competence development and lifelong learning and the green transition of the economy. Projects are expected to support optimal utilisation of AI, with minimal risks and threats, and to the benefits of citizens, businesses and the societies.  Applications should also address AI specific challenges with a clear Nordic or Nordic-Baltic added value.   

The conditions for design and implementation of AI are currently changing rapidly. For example, the EU AI act will come into full effect during the course of the initiative, preliminarily during the first half of 2026. There are considerable unknowns about which effects the legislation will have in general and on the Nordic and Baltic countries in particular. Research funded in this call should include aspects of the effects of the new legislation and its implementation, when relevant. 

Contact list

Would you like to connect with other researchers interested in the call? If so, you can join our contact list. Simply sign up and complete a brief form before 13 April 2025, and you will be added to a list where your information will be shared with other researchers.


NordForsk administration is hosting a webinar 12 March 2025 for researchers regarding the Call for Proposals on Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence. Find out more about the webinar and sign up.

Important: Please read the instructions in the application form as well as the call text to access all the neccessary information to write your proposal.  You can use the preview form function to see the instructions in the application form.

See also: How to apply


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

Bjørnar K

Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

Thomas Jacobsson

Thomas Jacobsson
