Arctic Research
Results and effects of NordForsk funded Arctic research
NordForsk has together with the national research funders in the Nordics financed four large Nordic Centres of Excellence on Arctic research.
The Nordic Council of Ministers 2030 vision states that The Nordic Region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030. All Nordic countries are Arctic nations, and the 2030 vision cannot be met without a strong focus on sustainable development in the High North. Sustainable development requires production of new knowledge, and much of this new knowledge come from research.
Arctic Research Impact Report
Overview of results and effects from the four Nordic Centres of Excellence in Arctic research.
The report contains data on publications, policy influence, dissemination activities and other impact indicators.
Nordic added value
We seek to promote Nordic added value in all the activities we support. We have devised our own definition of Nordic added value to be used when developing programmes, designing calls for proposals and assessing grant applications.
In addition, we conduct annual project monitoring and reporting where we assess how each research project create Nordic added value.
The figure below provides insight into how our four Nordic Centres of Excellence create Nordic added value.

Arctic research by geography
One of the criteria for Nordic added value in research is ‘regional mobility and networking among the Nordic countries’. A benchmark for assessing whether this succeeds is to look at the geographical location of the projects.
The map shows the location and number of participants in the Arctic research programme. The bigger the circle, the more project participants. The programme has had a total of 173 participants. 150 from the Nordic region, the others from Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand, Russia, Scotland, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Below is four news articles focusing on the results and effects of the four Nordic Centres of Excellence.

Green measures in the Arctic can be a threat to reindeer husbandry
Although the green transition is necessary, sustainable investments in the Arctic could pull the rug from under traditional reindeer husbandry.

Infectious diseases are spreading to the Arctic
More and more animals from southern climes carrying infectious micro-organisms are migrating north due to global warming. Researchers have developed new models to predict the spread of infectious diseases.

The Arctic is a promised land under immense strain
Researchers recommend that decision-makers adopt a holistic and long-term approach when considering their interests in the Arctic.

New tool can predict short-term climate changes
The long-term effects of climate change are well known. But what about next year, or in three years? A soon to end research project has developed a tool for exactly this purpose.