Nordic added value in research co-operation

Nordic cooperation is rooted in the idea that together we are stronger, that we can accomplish more by working together, and that what we achieve is to the benefit of the inhabitants of the Nordic countries and the rest of the world.

NordForsk aims to be an effective facilitator of research collaboration that makes an impact and ensures that the research is of high international quality and delivers Nordic added value. 

Nordic added value is in the outcomes of what could otherwise be undertaken at the national level, but where concretely positive effects are generated through common Nordic solutions, such as activites that: 

  • manifest and develop a sense of Nordic community;
  • increase Nordic competence and competitiveness;
  • strengthen the Nordic international influence;
  • that foster equal and balanced social, economic, and environmental interaction in the Nordic region.

Our calls for proposals stipulate Nordic added value as one of the assessment criteria. Applicants are asked to describe the Nordic added value their research collaboration will produce and why this is important. Projects funded under NordForsk are required to provide information about the added value produced in reports and other forms of dissemination. NordForsk attaches great importance to the documentation of achieved Nordic added value in connection with the project’s progress and final reports.

Nordic added value at NordForsk

We recognise that Nordic added value is a dynamic concept that can be described in various ways, depending on the sector in question and the focus of co-operation. Therefore, Nordic added value can also be viewed as a tool aimed at facilitating processes and outcomes of a certain character with a Nordic focus.

However, we have devised categories indicating Nordic added value that is of special interest to us and can be used as inspiration when developing initiatives, designing calls for proposals, assessing grant applications, and in final and progress reporting. Grant receivers are also expected to report on these in our impact reporting system, and the results are used for our annual impact report.

Added value that contributes mainly to the research ecosystem

This category of added value is produced when research activities:

  • enhance scientific quality and expand the number of high-quality scientific publications through Nordic co-operation;
  • help to build critical mass and/or expertise at the Nordic level in important disciplines or research areas;
  • lead to regional mobility and networking among the Nordic countries;
  • enhance cost-effectiveness by sharing infrastructure or data or harmonising systems for utilising data and other resources in the Nordic region;
  • utilise data from uniquely Nordic registries;
  • build on particular strengths of researchers in the Nordics, and when the research is carried out by groups with unique expertise;
  • improve the conditions for and increase the chances of success for Nordic researchers in EU research activities or other international research co-operation.

Added value that contributes to society

This added value is produced when research activities:

  • address needs that are particular to the Nordic countries in light of our similar social structures, institutions and institutional culture, and shared cultural heritage;
  • focus on e.g. geographical, climatic, cultural, linguistic or social phenomena in the Nordic region;
  • lead to more results and stronger, quality-assured conclusions as a basis for shaping the statutory framework or rationalising and improving the public administration;
  • promote the creation of innovations, patents or other solutions that help to enhance industrial development and co-operation in the Nordic region.

References & further reading

Liimatainen, T. (2023): Nordic added value in Nordic research co-operation: Concept and practice

Ørskov, F., Liimatainen, T., Turva, E., & Berg, E. (2024): Nordic added value in inter-ministerial Nordic co-operation: Past and present perspectives