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Call for proposals: Five-year capacity-building project within the Nordic Neutron Science Initiative

Denmark, Norway and Sweden are funding the new neutron research initiative together with NordForsk, with a common pot of roughly NOK 50 million over the next five years. One of the initiative’s tasks is to expand the user group so that researchers in subject areas other than physics can build up a high level of competency and be prepared to take advantage of the European Spallation Source (ESS).

Given that several Nordic countries are investing very heavily in the ESS, it makes sense to ensure that researchers are prepared to use the facility when it opens. With this in mind, the initiative seeks to raise the competency level among younger researchers and new user groups in particular.

Under this call, applicants may seek a maximum of NOK 10 million in funding over a five-year period. The formal applicant must be employed at a research institution in one of the three countries participating in the initiative and the project must involve cooperation between at least three Nordic countries. The latter is fundamental, as the objective of NordForsk is to facilitate Nordic cooperation and enhance the quality of Nordic research. 

Read the full call text here.


Bjørnar K

Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

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